

About Urasoe City
  Urasoe city is the one of Okinawa's city. It's surrouned by Ginowan City and Nishihara City and Naha City. The population is 105,668 poeple living in Urasoe city and the Area is 18k㎡.
  Urasoe city is the 4th largest city in Okinawa. The 1st is Naha, 2nd is Okinawa city, 3rd is Uruma city. And also this city's birthrate is really high and population also getting high.There is so many factory and commerce their too.

Meaning of Urasoe City
  In the past, Urasoe city's name was "Uraosoi" its mean "Control"in Okinawa's dialect. Long time ago, the Ryukyu Kingdom was in the Urasoe city. So, they named "Uraosoi=Control".

this is the Urasoe city's mark now.
the meaning of this mark is "peaceful" and "health"
and they said there is "Urasoe" in Katakana(Japanese)

History of Urasoe
  About 600 ago, The Ryukyu Kingdom was born in Urasoe. At that time, Urasoe was inculued Nishihara city and Naha city, all the Ginowan cit. so there is huge land and harbour. Ryukyu kingdom was named "Nakayama" but After the World War Ⅱ, Urasoe city became "The bed town" of Naha city. Then the population gets bigger and bigger. TheUrasoe city debeloped as Tedako. Urasoe city is famous for Hand ball. In 2004, Urasoe city announced to become the Hand ball kingdum.

Famous person
Do you know "Kenichi Mikawa"?? yes!!! Most of peaole know about him but how about "Kenichirou Mikawa"??do you know him?? In wakayama, no one know about him i guess. He is a comedian he impresonate "Kenichirou Mikawa"

let me introduce about him.
His real name is "Kenichi Sunagawa".
he was bor in 07,07,1969.
when he was in high school he was in "沖縄アクターズスクール" which is same idol production as "Namie amuro".
he can sing, dance, report, and so on.

so he becmame really famous in Okinawa.

美川憲一[Kenichi Mikawa] 魅川憲一郎[Kenichirou Mikawa]
don't you think they are really look a like??
Kenichirou Mikawa is really famous in Okinawa. he is in some TV and commercial and his voice is really like Kenichi Mikawa!
He had experience to apear on  "しゃべくり007" in 14,06,2010.

i found しゃべくり007 movie so please watch this if you have time

and this will be the Okinawa's local commercial.

its not just Okinawa!!

Local industry
"Majun land"
The Majyun land is helth club which is in Urasoe city. In Mjyun land there is 8 typ of swimming pool and jim and culture school.
the name of "Majyun" mean is  "together" in Okinawa's dialect.
many Urasoe member came here to spend time for helth.

The price is this.
Adult: 1040yen

Elderly: 780yen
Child: 520yen

when you visit Urasoe city please come to join!

Festival "TEDAKO"
This festival is one of the biggest Festival in Okinawa. It began in 1978. about 100,000 people join this festival every year. there are three place to hold. one is the Ureasoe athletic park and the second is Tedako hole, third is Makiminato fishin port. Normally the festival has two days. they usually have consort and Eisa- which is Okinawan traditional dance and firework so on.
And also when you come to Tedako festival, there are so many street stand. so you can try some Japanese food like Yakitori and Yakisoba something like that. and also you may can try traditional game for example gold fish scooping, hoopla, and so on. at the end you will see about 2000's firework. it is really beautiful and this festival makes you enjoy your trip.

Famous in Urasoe city
what is the famous in Urasoe city is blue seal ice cream. this is came  from United State in 1948 for American people who is working at the base. so the begging this Ice cream was hard to get one. But in 1963 they built for Okinawan people. so it became more popular in Okinawa. at first they just have American flavor but now there are so many kinds of flavor which made original flavor for example purple sweet-potato, pineapple, sugarcane and so on.

Not only blue seal ice cream is famous. the sports "Hand boll" is also famous. the Ureasoe's hand ball ream is really strong. In 2004, the Urasoe city named "Hand ball kingdom city" many school in Urasoe city has Hand ball club now.

Enviromental problems
Urasoe city has wid road. so at the evning some motorcycle gang roll through the road. Im living in road side, so I cant sleap when the gang came. I think this is the enviromental problems.
Okinawan peaople's manner is really bad to compare with other prefecture's japanese.
in Okinawa there is no trayn. so they dont really know about good manner.  when i came here, i really care about manner and take care of other people.
if i would like to say about Okinawan's bad thing, i will say thet they should lean a good manner.